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Summer Solstice Rituals

Since ancient times the Summer Solstice is a joyous celebration in the Pagan tradition. Contrary to popular belief, the Solstice marks MidSummer. It is when the Earth has reached midpoint on her journey around the sun. It is the peak of summertime - after which the daylight hours will begin to shorten again.  

Happy Friday the 13th! (The Myth, Legend and Folklore)

Don't be fooled, the number 13 has always been a luck number for Witches and those with metaphysical inclinations. I myself was born on a Friday the 13th and have always considered it very lucky indeed!

Did you know that in Spanish speaking cultures and in Greece it is Tuesday the 13th that is unlucky instead of Friday? Also, in Italian pop-culture, it is Friday the 17th that is traditionally considered bad luck, although many young Italians have now been influenced by American culture and believe that Friday the 13th is also unlucky.

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