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INQUIRIES: Contact Miss Melinda 



"Thank you so much for this (Reading), Miss Melinda. It is such a great help.
You are so incredibly gifted and have unique insight. I am so grateful to have your support."



"Thank you so much for your kindness! You have a wonderful heart! I really appreciate all that you do!" 


" 'Thank You' just isn’t enough! I really appreciate this! I love the video explanations as well!"


"Thank you so much for the wonderful and very helpful reading. It fully resonated with my current reflections on my life and I feel that I'll be listening back to this recording throughout the year to check in and continue to utilize this guidance. I really appreciate your Work, the results are always illuminating, uplifting, and clear."


"I wanted to thank you for the reading. I heard a lot of things that I felt and needed to hear. Sometimes I feel like the message is coming across, but I'm not completely attuned to receiving it. After such a challenging year, I needed some advice on how to go forward. Thank you again." 


"I wanted to write to thank you for all the incredible work you have done on my behalf. You have been helping me in the area of career and your powerful spiritual services have made a huge difference.  You never fail to get the energy moving , new and unexpected opportunities have been showing up for me almost every month! These are such positive steps help to move things in the right direction, I am very grateful for your help."


"Thank you, Miss Melinda .I have an interview for a Professor position in two weeks! The news just came through.  Such Amazing work, you are so powerful and supportive. Sending you love and gratitude."


"All your amazing spiritual work has been working very powerfully.  Things are definitely moving and shifting.I wanted to say a very big thank you, I appreciate all that you do for me."


"Thank you for your guidance. I felt like that gave me a clear understanding of what I need to work on and how to move forward. I think that was the best reading i’ve had. I’m excited to continue on my self worth journey and having you there on the way has been a pleasure."


"Thanks again for this deeply insightful reading. It has given me a lot to think about and put into practice. There is so much positivity in the reading, I will focus on. Sending you gratitude and blessings."


"Thank you so much for this wonderful service and reading. I appreciate your work so much and feel protected by you!"


"Achieved! I did get a CAR! And thus far I am maintaining my car with ease!!! Yay! This was the MAJOR manifestation for me, so thank you for the blessings and work, towards this goal."


"I really appreciate your message. My path has been slow but steady, and everyday I'm learning to love and accept new blessings. During our first (3o minute phone) reading, I was very confused on where to focus my energy and now I feel more confident in my ability to hone in on a vision for myself. While this vision isn't the most clear, I find myself "bargaining" less on what I find acceptable and simply accepting what is. "


"That’s such a fantastic service (Favor & Influence), I think there were some positive signs already this last week. Thank you so much for doing it for me and for the wonderful report. I look forward to how it develops and will keep you updated. Sending you gratitude and love."


"I want to thank you so much for the service and the follow-up. I actually have felt surprisingly confident throughout the spell and even had some bursts of excitement along the way. Yesterday I found out that I have passed the licensing exam! I still have couple of more steps to take before full licensing, but this was the most important and difficult step. I hope I have caught the flow you mentioned and the rest will work out smoothly. Thank you so much again."


"Thank you for your workings, they are truly beneficial and we appreciate all the care put into them."


"Thank you for your help, the candle magic always works wonders."


"For me, it is one of those readings that I will keep going back to because I feel like there is so much to take away from it, it is encouraging and hopeful while offering me some really helpful touchpoints to return to throughout the year. I loved it and will be keeping my notes from it handy to keep checking back in with as reminders, and to see how things do change for me this year!"  


"Thank you for asking about the 36 card reading. I’m very happy with the report and it being written makes it even more personal and meaningful. It was on point and looking forward to getting another one done."


"It’s amazing that the signs are showing that she’s more open or ready to do more; because that’s exactly what I’m getting on my end with her. She’s been saying that she wants to have another child and possibly move together. She’s been more loving, telling me that she love me just about every day. It is also ironic that my candle is showing signs of releasing emotional blockages; because I have been struggling emotionally regarding our relationship. It’s crazy how spot on you are!!" 


"Thank you very much! You always do you best for me! I appreciate you and your amazing work!"


"I do at least one monthly service with Miss Melinda and have for the past few years.  Her candle magic WORKS!  All of the services are impactful.  She is always willing to customize a service for me - but two of the standard offerings I love are the Magick Money Service and the Heart Illumination Service.  I have done the Magick Money a couple of times and every single time I have received financial support from a completely random and unexpected source, once $1000 and once $10,000.  Truly magick.  My partner and I were struggling with communication issues and Miss Melinda suggested the Heart Illumination Service. Three months later my partner and I were remarking on how well we were getting along and how our relationship had progressed to another level of authenticity and depth.  I can't thank Miss Melinda enough for her support and guidance - I tell everyone, it just WORKS!" 


 "I get so much from you and your readings are unlike anyone else’s. Very specific and detailed and deep. I invited people to the last Tarot Party and they related what was going on in their lives to everything you told them. It might surprise even you if I shared with you just how accurate you were."


"I thank you so much for all your help Miss Melinda. I feel so empowered because of your guidance and support over the years. I truly appreciate you and all that you do for so many people! " 


"In Last month’s petition I asked for a pay rise and a career step promotion. Since then I have (a) applied for a job in another university and (b) have been asked by my Head of Department and the Senior tutor to apply for his role when he finishes in December. So I’d like to thank you and spirit very much for working on this for me. The results of your amazing work never cease to amaze me."


"I did receive the report and everything is so beautiful. This was a very detailed response and I definitely felt a part of the process. Thank you so much for your time and positive energy. You have no idea how grateful I am to you. I’m going to sit back and let the universe do her thing. I hope to you work with you again on other things in the near future. Much respect to you and your craft."


"I appreciate your help over the years!!! Words cannot explain how much!!!! ❤❤❤❤"


"After the services were started I found a job advert for a university position that could have been written for me. The article I have been writing was given clearance to be submitted to the journal on Friday. I was aslo invited to set up a project collaboration. So, what an amazing week! Your work is exceptional and very powerful. Thank you, thank you, thank you." 


"As always, this service has really made a huge impact. I am sure you get emails like this from each client, but just in case you needed one more as "proof" that your magic just always works ... it always works.  Every time. Thank you!  I am really looking forward to my Road Opener this month!!!"


"These are always so helpful and every time you do a service for me I notice a major change. I have noted the guidance and will keep all of this in mind as I navigate the growth of my business.  Thank you for all that you do for your members." 


"Miss Melinda has been my spiritual advisor, consultant and practitioner since 2017.  She has helped me work on and develop two specific areas of my life over that time: love and career.  She has opened pathways for me and I am now in a happy, loving and supportive relationship. We moved in together last month!  I also have a permanent, well paid position working on exciting research projects.  It has taken patience, consistency and belief that things would get better. I am so grateful to Miss Melinda for all her work and support. She is a very powerful spiritual worker, with a unique talent to effect change and make things happen. I cannot recommend her highly enough and I wouldn’t work with anyone else. She has my utmost respect and gratitude."


"Wow! Thank you so much for the reading. I had only been 2 minutes into the reading and already knew what it was trying to tell me and what I have to do this year. It is definitely what I needed to hear.  I’m so glad I found you and I appreciate your messages. You’re amazing." 


"I just received your reading, and I just wanted to thank you for the amazing read. I did not give you many details at all but everything you said definitely resonated with the whole situation,and made total sense. You’re an amazing reader, I will plan on booking more detailed reading with you on the phone to get more into this and see what you can tell me. Thank you so much."


"She’s so happy with the reading, she said it was amazing. Seeing her face made me feel really good, I could see the shift in her feeling more at ease with the decision & the path forward..... and the fact that you listened to her without judgement & she felt comfortable speaking with you & she felt heard. I appreciate you being here for us during this time sharing your gifts."


"I wanted to thank you for all of your help and for the reports, your work definitely speaks for itself!"


"Things are going so well with my partner and he is moving in with me.
I wanted to say thank you for all your help over the years with my love life . I am very grateful for what I have and I thank spirit everyday."


"I truly thank you for all the time, energy, and effort you put into helping me find myself through this trying time. I still love him, but I love me a whole lot more to know when enough is truly enough. So, with that being said, I’m picking up the pieces and moving forward. If it’s meant to be, he will find his way back. If not, I’m ok with that too. I’m done looking back, it’s only up from here. I will still be in contact with you always! You’ve been a light in this dark time for me!"


"Thank you for this. It’s been almost 5 years that I’ve been working with you & you never made me feel uncomfortable or divulged our personal talks online & God knows I’ve told you a lot and have been through a lot in my life. I’m appreciative of the fact that you’re a positive leader on this platform. When I felt discouraged about this path there was a reason my first thought was to try to sort it out in a reading with you." 


"Miss Melinda is incredibly gifted, educated and resourceful. Her ability to provide clear communication to those who might not be as knowledgeable of certain spiritual practices is impeccable. You can feel the passion and energy she puts into her services when working on your behalf and it creates such a warm, safe space to receive any and all messages. She's seriously an amazing lady and I've loved working with her over the last couple of years! Thank you for sharing your gift with the world."


"I feel that when you read for me, I’m left feeling like I have more clarity & understanding of the situations & even though it’s not always what I want to hear I don’t leave confused or sad, I still have hope."


"Thank you for working on my behalf and for your service. It’s always a pleasure to work with you and hear your messages. Your work/ messages are always uplifting and always gives me so much peace. Thank you for being my spiritual worker. I definitely needed this service to start the new year feeling refreshed. " 


"Thank you so much!!! You don’t know how much I really adore you and appreciate you! You came into my life at the right time. I was at a very low point! Filled with anxiety, depression, anger, hurt, just all kind of low vibrations lol. But you have been a great blessing to say the least! I am so thankful I have chosen a great spiritual advisor! I am healing already! I feel it in my soul! Thank you for answering my questions tonight as well!! I am excited to start developing my psychic abilities!"


"I just wanted to say a big thank you for my reading and my spell work which was explained beautifully and in detail. I am already feeling better and my week has been better than I have had in a long time. I will be using your offers again as I feel you are genuine and you put so much care into your work for others." 


 "I feel absolutely powerful and unstoppable!! I can see my life changing and evolving. My self control and confidence is at an all time high! I finally see the value of ME!  I've realized the power of my thoughts!! I've realized so many things through your teachings and practices that has really helped me to survive!!! Thank you so very much for the years of amazing work you've done on my behalf!! I honestly don't know if I would even be around had it not been for you!! Much love Miss Melinda!" 


"I just finished watching the video and OMG I'm IN LOVE with the reading! It's actually kismet in some ways because a few days after I sent you the questions/booked the reading I met a man! And we've been seeing each other the last two weeks and it legit mirrors almost everything you've said in the reading. SO EXCITED!!  Thanks again for all your guidance and I'm sure I'll be reaching out soon for another 2 part question regarding the relationship and connection." 


"Miss Melinda, words can’t begin to express my heartfelt gratitude for you working on my behalf. I’m no longer afraid to believe I am worthy, enough and deserve to be loved. I have begun to envision that great love and relationship that is on the way. Thank you so much."


"I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU again for all of the work you have done on my behalf, that has truly come to a positive fruition in my life over the past 6 months!" 


"I am so grateful to you for your powerful and beautiful services over the last three years.  Your work is so effective and I have seen major results within six weeks of the most recent spiritual service you did for me in May 2020.  Truly impressive results, I can’t thank you enough! You are always supportive and so kind is your guidance and messages. I’m so glad I found you. Sending you many blessings."


"Thank you again, your Work and energy is doing wonders in receiving messages and good energy in my sleep and while I’m awake. I will being following up with a good luck service very soon."


" Again, thank you so for your help. I can’t tell you enough how appreciative I am for all the work you’ve been doing for me. A few months ago, I was in such a dark and negative place in my life. But with your help and support, I finally feel at peace, more enthusiastic and more positive about the future." 


" You are the most amazing oracle I have ever had the please to work so closely with." 

"I really enjoyed the reading and it is almost unbelievable how accurate it is! I will re-watch it several times because it really resonated with me. I'm so glad you did this reading for me, I needed it. And what you said about my relationship in regards to money is very accurate. All my gratitude to my ancestors and spirit guide for their guidance and thanks to you for helping me become a better version of myself. I'm definitely not the same person since you are my spiritual advisor." 


"I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders! I recently received a promotion at work, I have been attracting a LOT of clients, really good solid clients and business to our agency and I now hold a higher position in the company. It is amazing how fast the results are with the workings! Some pretty major events have happened in the past 6 months for me but I have been protected throughout. I am so excited to see what is next! Thank you so much for everything I am going continue to see how it all develops. I have very good feelings for Spring!!!!"


"You have been a God send to me. There were times where I've had no where to turn and I've turned to you and you have always been there for me! Always going above and beyond when you simply didn't have to. Miss Melinda I am at a loss when I try to put into words how you have changed my life for the better. Only God could have put you on my path and I am eternally grateful. Thank you! God bless you and all that you do." 


"Thank you as always. Your guidance has always been such an important part of my spiritual and emotional growth, allowing me to see and understand different perspectives that are beyond my own. I look forward to speaking and hope that I can always reach out to you as a mentor and spiritual guide."


"Thank you so much Miss Melinda!!!! I wanted to join Mystic Membership to see what it was about. I had no idea how interactive it was, which is absolutely great. I was very surprised and very very pleased with all the time and intimacy you provided to us! You're the bomb!!! I will be looking to use your services in other areas! Thank you for ALWAYS being here for me!!!"


"Hi Melinda! Thank you so much for my Spiritual Cleansing. You were right on the money with your reading of my candle service! I will take your advice and continue my inner workings! Avenues have been opening up and I have been guided from back in December that major new beginnings would open up around Spring but they are already beginning. Thank you again I am excited!"


"Your positivity is infectious and exactly what I need to focus on. I am very happy and surprised to see the Sun card in our talk as well as your fabulous 2020 forecast. I am so excited to be your client and truly honored that you are willing to work with me. I always heed your advice and use all of our written dialogue to help me remember your advice and messages from Spirit. Again, thank you so very much! 


"Hello Miss Melinda! I first wanted to update you - within days of speaking to you I learned that I was receiving a second bonus this year! Larger than I have ever received and more than anyone else in the organization! So I thank you sincerely, as I know speaking with you really helped me to manifest this!! I have set the money aside and feel like I’m making great strides in the financial security step of my intention. I thank you again for all of your help!!"

"I also wanted to give you a little update on the recent work your did for me.
You were right when you said you saw someone new coming into my life very soon, while doing the Saint Lucy wax / service report. I have met someone really special. She's actually done her own healing work and is in a similar mindset energy as me and it feels really amazing! Thank you!! Thank you for everything!?"


"Thank you so much for the service as well as the reading yesterday and for relaying the positive messages that came though. I'm very touched by your message about my grandma, it’s very heartwarming for me to know that she sent through her message of support for me and my decision. That message freed me in a way and it gave me peace. I can’t express enough how thankful I am that you were there to receive the message on my behalf. As always, I appreciate all that you do to support my intentions. Blessings to you! "


"I just wanted to take a second and thank you for the emergency reading you did for me. I find myself listening to it often and follow your advice."


"I’ve worked with you back in 2017, you did a reading about my ex that I came across today. When everything was happening, I only wanted him and only saw him and you did say someone else will come along and you were right."


"Thank you again for being so patient with me. It means the world to me that I came across you. Thank you for being honest and having the best intentions."


"Miss Melinda!!!!! I cannot express my sincerest GRATITUDE for all you have guided me through since I've met you! THIS (channeled psychic Reading) however, is by far the best work you have done on my behalf!!! I've been speechless all day trying to wrap my head around your gifts and envisioning myself heading in the right direction! All thanks to you and all the patience you've shown me over the years! There were so many times I had questions and couldn't go to my family because they just wouldn't understand so I turned to you and trusted you with some of the hardest things I've experienced in my life. (I'm actually crying right now) And you took my broken heart and made it new!!!! By trusting in you, you've convinced me to trust in myself again! It takes a special kind of person to be able to do that and a special God given gift. You forever have a client and a friend in me. Thank you again so much with much love and gratitude!!!"


"Thank you for helping me in this unusual yet cruel case.
I am grateful for your honesty, guidance and support - as ell as the blessings and harmony that you are bringing, and working towards bringing, through the spirits to move forward with my once peaceful life." 


"Thank you so much for the reading I always enjoy your readings. They are very insightful and help me see things more clearly." 


"I’m happy to report to you that yesterday went smoothly. There were tough questions but I felt I addressed them as best I could. I am hopeful this will be the end of my involvement in this (legal) case. Thank you again for your support, especially with the reading and services. I am sure that Spirit’s support was instrumental in getting me through that challenge, and I thank you for it. I am still awaiting final word and this may take months, but in the meantime, I have peace of mind and I have you to thank sincerely for that." 


"Thank you so much for the update! My life has been pleasantly peaceful (after our Sweetening Service) and I am sooooo grateful for that!!!  I really hope you enjoyed your time off. I know I speak for your whole following when I say we missed you!! I will definitely be speaking to you soon about my next steps!!! Thank you again so much!!!" 


"As always, thank you for supporting me through these difficult times, your guidance gives me the courage and strength to face these situations." 


"I want to thank you for your services. Yesterday was a true test and just like I knew they would,  your services worked well. I am greatly appreciative of your assistance and I look forward to working with you in the future. You are truly a blessing. I am indebted to you. "


"Remember how almost a year ago we stated planting seeds for my product line? Well, it has now come to fruition and I am Vending (..) (in a very desired & exclusive location). Thank you so much Sister your prayers supported my journey and I am so grateful to be weaving with you." 


"The services were absolutely beautiful and thoughtfully put together and carried out, I cannot thank you enough!" 


"Thank you so much for the beautiful work you are doing on my behalf! I have been feeling absolutely amazing! Words could not describe the joy I have been able to tap into. I am now DIVORCED!!!! Believe it or not I am soooo at peace with it. I knew one day I would be able to look back and understand the blessings of my life and sure enough that day has come!! The ultimate goal for everyone is trying to achieve happiness and now I understand that happiness isn't in the money or relationships we obtain, we only want those things to bring us that happiness. Happiness for me is in loving myself enough to know when to say and do the things that are best for ME! I could go on for ages about how through your workings I've grown. You, Miss Melinda, have been the catalyst to me finally finding myself, my joy!!! I can not thank you enough! I am on the road to greatness and I know it!!! Of course I will be reaching out to you again real soon! I would love to learn more about the individual powers we all have access to. You are a great teacher!! I also have been sharing your MAGIC with my friends and family. I just can not thank you enough!! Many many blessings to you and your loved ones!" 


"Since the last video reading 9 months ago, I've experienced some kind of spiritual growth and awakening, I'm more aware and I experience synchronicity a lot since you performed the Service. I feel so different and it's because of you. So I wanted to thank you again for your help and guidance." 


"Having several sessions with Miss Melinda was AMAZING! It helped me to build on the experience and knowledge of the previous sessions to open up my clairvoyance in a way that is STILL resonating! If you want to develop your intuition or expand your psychic abilities in a gentle yet powerfully resonant way, booking a series with Miss Melinda is the way to go!"


"I want to thank you for the work you've done for me and my kids.You gave me hope and strength to move on and to trust again. A lot of things happened in our lives for the good!" 


"I just wanted to say thank you for the reading. It was what I needed to hear and open up to. Lots of creativity coming out from this final block. My mother is coming to visit to reconnect and rebuild a relationship and your reading really helped me open up to that. I just wanted to say, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! I am so happy about everything and I couldn't have gotten here without your divine wisdom."


"I am extremely grateful for where I am in my life today, especially in regards to where I've come from! Thanks in big part to your guidance!! So, for that reason I would like to use your services again to keep me on this beautiful path."


"Thank you Miss Melinda. I am already feeling better and the May reading and St. Expedite messages hit very close to home. I feel the month of April was the way it was to guide me back to focusing on myself and my Spiritual journey more than I have been." 


"I’m so grateful to know you. Such a blessing and a huge help when storms or questions come in my life."


"Thank you so much for these very beautiful services, as always I am very thankful for the thoughtful way you put these services together which really encourages Spirit to work on our intentions, I can’t thank you enough!"  


"I never forget you. You taught me a lot!! I just looked at myself in the mirror and I see a difference, my eyes are big and clear again!"


 "It has not been a month since my reading but I wanted to tell you that in your reading you saw travel. Well he just came back from Canada. That happened."


"Saint Lucy is one of my favorite because she really helps those who can’t express and open up their feelings towards their loved ones. I am a great believer of her because this is the second time that I have Saint Lucy service done and she never failed me. I have been waiting for him to open up his heart and tell me what he feels and I am still in awe. I feel like he is opening his heart to me and he has so many emotions to share. I love this guy more than anything and I am so glad with Saint Lucy’s help and of course Miss Melinda’s undying support and love to her clients - we are able to have him open up." 


"Miss Melinda - I seriously wont know what would I do if I didn’t have known you - we have known each other for a year and you never changed. You are always true and for that I am thankful. I really enjoy all your services and I really love that you are always here for us and your guidance is amazing. And thanks for believing in me and my relationship with the guy that I love so much."


"As always, thank you Miss Melinda for your guidance, your support and your thoughtful Services that undoubtedly have helped (loved one) and I get to where we are today. "


"So there is this super magical, metaphysical master: Miss Melinda. Her energy is simply Divine. She is like a warm sunbeam, like an inspirational whisper in your mind. I continue to be delighted by her wisdom, her brightness and her joy. Check her out - she is offering Spiritual coaching that is amazing." 


"Thank you soooo much Miss Melinda!!! As always you exceed my expectations with your reporting and the outcomes I was hoping for!! I appreciate you so much and am excited to continue working with you in the future! Much love, peace and happiness to you and your loved ones!"


"You can guide me and let me know if you can do this reading for me with your best ability. I got very good experience from your readings in past with your best advice along with readings with lot of accuracy. Considering that past good experience with you I will be highly obliged."


"I've seen how St. Dymphna can help out (a loved one) and get her life on track, and I've been thinking about requesting the service again for my family."


"I do have you to thank for helping me with the improvements as well as my commitment to better myself."


"Before anything else, I wanted to say thank you so much for being patient and for being so understanding and for standing by my side at all times. It seems your Saint Lucy service always makes my partner open up and that has been proven from the past."


"Thank you so much for this beautiful service. I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for me and my family." 


"Just wanted to share a little something with you which amazes me last week, after my Mini Money Service with you, twice I found 10c on my way to work. Today I found 50c on the ground again. I really feel lucky." 


"I wanted you to know your reading back when we were in Austin meant a great deal to me. I still hear your words and affirmations in my head. Everything you read, everything you said came to fruition for me. I have been following a straight path to the changes you mentioned regarding my business ventures. I have since purchased a business and moved. It is starting to flourish. You had mentioned back in Nov 2017 I was going to be changing my business plans and partnerships. I closed a company and ended a partnership with another company while I was in the midst of buying this new business. I hope all is well with you and your spiritual gifts are helping many as you have helped me. Thank you."


"Miss Melinda, I just watched your Wheel of Fortune Reading for February. Your Reading was really, really spot on fo me! I am so happy I joined your Services! You are very gifted and I thank you for sharing your energy and Spirituality with us all!" 


"I have always benefited from your services. God Bless you as you help people with clearing ways for their good intentions."


"Greetings Miss Melinda, I know that I have and hopefully continue to evolve! It's in my face. I think differently, I handle things differently. I can't explain it but I know it's from the work that you did for me. It was a slow process. Then one day I realized that I have evolved into a greater human being. I still have my sense of humor.  My co-workers are happy when they see me. I bring a new and positive energy. It's not about me, it's about everyone around me.I care and I share. Thank you for everything that you did for me." 


"I stopped communicating with you because that's when I really felt a change that I didn't need to tell you things that was or was not going on in my life. Any issues that I may have dissolve on it's own. No need to discuss anything with anyone except my spiritual guides. Amazing."


"Miss Melinda I can’t thank you enough for the casting you done that got me my current job. I love the place and the people I work with. This is why I love working with you."


"I’m so appreciative of your guidance and how you channel and communicate these messages."


"I enjoy watching and learning from you, and I love seeing a thoughtful and sensitive, caring and genuine you are. That means a lot when your working for others to help them with their life and they’re most important dreams and goals."


"Thank you Miss Melinda. I want to let you know how much your work has helped my family and I in 2018. I have achieved so much this year with your help and the spiritual guidance I have received.
I have made healthy choices for me and my family with confidence and ease this year, all with the guidance of my spirits.
Thank you for being here with me and supporting me on my journey."


"Thank you again Miss Melinda for getting me through a very difficult time in my life, getting me back on my feet and for giving me a new perspective in my life that allowed me to regain my inner strength and rebuild myself in accordance with my authentic self."


"I booked a reading with Miss Melinda because I was concerned about my lover. I asked if he was thinking of spending time with me after our Christmas party. Miss Melinda predicted and assured me that we would be spending time together and that we would have a great time. She said he would be showing his emotions to me and being expressive. And YES Miss Melinda was right! She’s always accurate and that’s why I always go to her. We did spend time together and that was one of the happiest nights I was with him." 


"I could not ask for more. And this is the reason why I always believe in Miss Melinda's ability and her work and all the energy and effort she puts in. She is very amazing."


"Thank you again Miss Melinda and much love to you. Please continue what you are doing because you are such a blessing to us. Thanks for always being here for me when I need you the most. Your sincerity and your genuine love for your clients is the best. Thanks for helping!!! I am as always happy to have found you!!"


"I have to say... we really truly thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the great and powerful work you have done on our behalf!!! May the universe keep you in its grace and shower you with blessings!!"


"Thank you so much! I started tearing up half way through because my heart felt so full. Everything you've shared in this forecast resonated with me. I'm so very appreciative of your guidance and direction. Looking forward to this next year and can't wait to see what comes of this forecast! "


"Thank You So Much for your amazing insight. You were on point. At the moment, there are many changes happening in my life. This reading really resonated with me and brought clarity to me." 


"Thank you so much Miss Melinda - I watched your video Last night for the Saint Martin of tours. You’re so lovely to watch and the way you express yourself brings peace to us. Thank you!!!!!"

"2018 has been an eye opener year for me... I learned and grew sooo much. You played a big part in my growth and learning."


"I am very thankful to you .You go out of the way and it's a pleasure working with you. I am glad I came across you." 


"Thank you! This is awesome, I am starting the process of moving into my (soon to be) house. Thanks for everything. This will definitely not be the last time I reach to you."


"I had a spiritual advisement session with miss Melinda and I just have to say it was fantastic. She listened to all my needs and really took the time to produce an awesome work sheet that has given me so many new ways to look at my practice and improve. Miss Melinda really went above and beyond what I expected and clearly has a real gift. - would highly recommend to anyone."


"Your last reading’s guidance has poured innnn all of the sudden, and I am riding it! It’s magic!! You are magic!!" 


"I absolutely loved last year's forecast and think it helped me stay grounded and focus more throughout the year than ever before so I look forward to how this next year will look and how it feels combined with the road opener! As always, it's a pleasure working with you and learning from you."


"Thanks for my 2019 reading... it was great and so on point. I'm not surprised at all...all your work is."


"I had this work done with Miss Melinda on getting paid from someone that owed me for almost a year and another  one that owed me money since May. I kept bugging her but I never got the payment and it really frustrates me cause I was there when they needed me. So I turned to Miss Melinda for this service because she has been working on the other areas of my life that needed help and all I could say is I am way more satisfied. Right after the service, I emailed again to get paid. She acknowledged my email for a change. I was paid in part and happy that this progress was made. The kicker was that another lady that owed me since May, she paid the whole thing without any other questions - the transaction (after the service was done) was so smooth and mind you, she owed me a lot! She even apologized for not paying the whole thing right away. I was not expecting that to happen. That was way better than what I was expecting..I am still in awe!" 


"Miss Melinda, as what I always tell you I am forever thankful and I am your forever follower and I could not ask for more. I really appreciate all your effort and all your hard work. I know you just don’t do it because it’s your job but because you are so sincere and compassionate about what you do."


"I am true believer in your work and once again I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH from the bottom of my heart. And thanks for always being here for me when I needed you the most and thanks for all the effort you put in. Thanks for being a sister, a friend and an angel to me."


"Hi Melinda hope you keeping well. After your first work I’m very happy with the results my job has been amazing. I love the joy it brings everyone is friendly and I fill like a winner and valued in team and my manger is very positive with me." 


"Your report is spot on. We had a little riff over sex I guess which is the sexual tension you showed. As I was listening to the report I was laughing because it was so spot on. You’re amazing! Things are great right now I don’t feel how I felt a few days ago. He’s more attentive."


"I appreciate everything that you have done for myself and my family!!!! you have no idea the peace you have brought into my life. I am so grateful!!!!"


"You were so head on with your reading! I didn’t expect this revelation to come out today but I was prepared!"


"I thank you very much for all that you're doing. Since coming to you, it gave me a lot of hope, and I feel that I'm in good hands.” 


"Miss Melinda I want to sincerely thank you. Everything you said makes so much sense. Your insight is amazing and you have a great deal of it."


"Thank you Miss Melinda so much for all the work you have done - your MP3 made me cry when you said you went and prayed and work deeper on my behalf. This just shows how much you care about me. I know my situation is very complicated and you are doing the best you can for the situation and you are here for me all the time especially with all the ups and downs. I truly appreciate everything you have done and I can’t thank you enough. You give me so much hope."


"Your services are much appreciated, and trusted."


"I just wanted you to know that you have amazing gifts and you're amazing for helping others through your own gifts. I hope to have you as my spiritual advisor for life. I will definitely be contacting you again."


"Thank you very much for your time and work you did for me.
You picked up the most important part of my life (in the ceromancy & pyromancy reading) I don't count myself and keep doing for others."


"This really showed me how you are into what you do and you have all my respect and all my appreciation. I have so much faith in you and the work that you do. And I am willing to wait for the outcome cause everything that you have predicted came true. "


"Thank you so much again for your guidance, support and insights that enrich my life and my relationships."


"Things are going really well with my new job. I can't thank you enough for ALL of your great advice and assistance during my hardship last year. I am getting my finances back on track and your assistance with the spirits have been a tremendous help."


"Thank you miss Melinda! I feel so much better! Your report was definitely powerful & uplifting! I have a big smile on my face! I feel the spirit and guidance through your work! I will continue to have faith! 


"I’ve learned some pretty amazing coping skills from you, I’ve been working on my own personal goals and do so much more for myself. I actually miss your advice and emails back and forth. You’re the best! Thanks for everything. "


"What’s really helped me in the last few months is constantly going back to your video readings to assess how I’m doing and to allow myself to learn from your insights into the current situation and adjust from there."


"After booking your service my former work colleague offered me a role at her new place and I have signed the contract and they have offered me a much better bigger pay. This was just few weeks ago and I can't want to see more good coming my way."


“You told me the house will be mine and I just got the message  that he wont sell. He broke up his relationship with the other woman and wrote me an email. This is just like you said in the reading.  Your Services really are amazing.” 



"I just wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying your custom fixed candle. The flame is still very high an the energy is greater than any other candle I’ve ever purchased! Thank you so much for everything you have done for my family!"


"Miss Melinda has never failed me. She has given me so much hope. Since I have contacted her for help in my spiritual, love, employment and money needs, she has worked wonders. Miss Melinda helped empower me, she helped me to understand the situation and she helped me to be patient. My situation is complicated and crazy but she never left me stranded, instead she guided me all the way and was always there when I need someone to talk to."


"Thank you! Your report was definitely uplifting and I also felt the Spirit and power of prayers you put in these rituals. Words really can't describe it honestly. I thank you for your persistence and faith you have in the Spirit. You do good work and for that I am ever so grateful. Blessings to you without cease." 


"The Saint Lucy work that Miss Melinda helped me with is amazing. My lover finally opened up and told me about his feelings. I have been waiting for him to open up for months. I was literally in tears when he told me about how he feels. Thank you Miss Melinda." 


"Just wanted to say thank you again for this Justice candle service! I was skeptical as this has been the largest service work and guidance I have been involved with thus far, and this was a pretty significant case for many reasons.  I have been involved in this case and issue for over a year and 1/2 with no end in sight.  When I initiated the service within 2 days I had a case for dismissal entered, and very consistent communication from the lawyers on the case updates but nothing significant had changed yet. A few days before the I received the final report the case was officially dismissed! All the final information that was provided about the burn were 100% accurate.  I am completely overjoyed at the outcome and highly recommend this service to others if needed."


"Miss Melinda's reading was so spot on! I could not believe it. She mentioned I would have a very memorable trip which would be a turning point in my relationship, and everything she said has come to pass!" 


"Miss Melinda is amazing and puts all her efforts into helping her clients. She is  so greatly appreciated! I could not thank her enough. I am so glad I found Miss Melinda and I know it was meant to be."


"Thank you so much for the beautiful services you performed on my behalf. The Lady of Guadalupe service, especially, was really beautiful. As always the service as a whole was just incredibly thoughtful, thank you so much for that! The prayers and intentions are very much what I wish for and the way it was carried out was just very intentional. You have been such a great advocate for me and my prayers and intentions, I am really grateful! Thank you again and I look forward to your insights through the Readings next week."


"I came across Miss Melinda during a very traumatic time in my life.  I felt hopeless and beaten down emotionally and physically. While searching for prayers and guidance, I came across her website. I don’t feel it was a coincidence that I found her. She was responsive and insightful during our very first conversation. Miss Melinda offered hope and guidance. She provided me with options as well as things I could do on my own to manifest my goals. She has provided readings as well as services to help my situation. I learned more about myself spiritually since working with her than I ever imagined I could. I cannot put into words how grateful I am for Miss Melinda."  


"I am writing to express my gratitude to you for your assistance. Since I have signed up to your services through Patreon, I have experienced great peace of mind, body and spirit. I am thrilled and excited to tell you of my recent break through since the services for Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Dymphna. As you know my petitions were very personal for these services, and I am thrilled with the changes that have happened since."


"Hi Melinda!! I wanted to share a happy update with you. The last time I spoke with you it was a month or so ago and things were all over the place. I felt like I was losing hope and starting to doubt. Since talking with you things have changed completely for the better just like you had predicted! I remember getting off the phone with you after our reading and you had said you saw us doing something fun together and that we would be back in communication soon, and thinking to myself there's no way, it's so bad between us right now. Well, you were absolutely right! There's a lot of new positivity surrounding us. It almost feels like a dream. We're both on the same page finally and have mutual goals for the relationship. I am very thankful to have had your support in this! Thank you for working beside me and guiding me in the right direction. I feel like I've gained a new friend in you. You're amazing!"


"Thank you so much for everything. I know this is what you do for a living but honestly, you are much more valuable than that. You are a lifeline and consultant to people like me. I’ve learned so much." 


"I almost lost faith last year..., I now have a part time job, support from friends I never expected, and support from doctors, plus counseling for my kids. You are a spiritual worker from heaven/for life. My children and I thank you."

"I don't have the words to express to you how happy/pleased I am with your service. 
Everything you've told me since our first reading has been so accurate that i have no words to describe how I feel. I'm a believer of the spirit world and magic and everything "supernatural" But the accuracy  of all your readings have just blown my mind. Everything you saw happening and everything you've predicted has happened."

" I just wanted you to know that you have amazing gifts and you're amazing for helping others through your own gifts. 
I hope to have you as my spiritual advisor for life. I will definitely be contacting you again." 


"Greetings Miss Melinda,
Thank You So Much! You're work is beautiful, and amazing! Since you began your work, my thoughts have been becoming more positive, and I have no longer been going into total darkness and loneliness, when I am sleeping! My energy has been becoming lighter, too, and I've been becoming happier! Thank You! You are a kind an amazing person!" 


" Melinda, I want to thank you for my card reading yesterday at the Vortex event. You gave me hope, exhilaration and a positive affirmation of what has been going on in our world in family and business. I talked to me wife about my reading. She was very impressed at what I described of the reading and how you read the cards. She has been looking for spiritual guidance as well. I'm certain she will contact you in the days to come. " 


"Melinda has made a huge difference in my life. Her reading, her advice and guidance have helped me make important decisions. She helped me move on from an unfulfilling destructive relationship. This was my first reading with Melinda and the second we got to talking, it felt like talking to a friend that I had known for years. Melinda is the real thing, her reading was on point and she verbalized feelings I couldn't express and emotions I was too closed off  to understand. I know I paid for a reading but it honestly felt more like a therapy session. I am certain this was my first of many readings, once you find the real thing you can not stray away from the messages you're meant to hear."  


"Wow! Thank you so much Miss Melinda. I really enjoy working with you. Good things have already started since your casting. About 3 weeks ago I won some extra money. Thanks so much for your assistance and I will be in contact with you soon for another casting. God Bless You!"


“Miss Melinda helped me with a complicated situation at work. The results of the spiritual services have been phenomenal!  Obstacles have been removed from my direct path with the introduction of new opportunities and projects.  It has unfolded in a very positive way that I wouldn’t have anticipated, but meets my goals. I am grateful to Miss Melinda for her powerful and ethical work. Thank you."


"I came across Miss Melinda’s site almost a year ago when I was struggling to find a job. I ended up with two offers after just one of her services. She’s helped me with so many things since then from school, money, family matters, etc. I became one of her patrons & now she’s actually my mentor. I couldn’t think of a better mentor. I can say that I really trust her. She uses her gifts to the best of her abilities to help you. You can tell that she actually cares and isn’t just worried about selling you a dream and taking your money. She puts your best interest first and won’t just tell you what you want to hear. Even before I began working with her as my mentor, she’d always answer my emails and give me spiritual/personal development advice. It’s rare to find someone who actually puts their clients first and cares about the outcome of their situations. I’m enjoying having her as a mentor and learning more to develop my gifts further. She’s been helping me to understand these gifts and hone into them. She’s been a positive influence in my life and has inspired me so much throughout these months. I have nothing but great things to say about her & I recommend her to the fullest as a mentor and spiritual advisor. You won’t be disappointed after working with her!" 


"Miss Melinda is the REAL DEAL! I absolutely love working with her. She’s polite, sweet, professional, knowledgeable, and communicative. I also really love how she’s genuine and practical. She doesn’t take on every single case. She evaluates your situation and all of the details very closely. I find her to be such a rare gem. From the first consultation, she was quick, responsive, and offered a variety of options. You don’t have to worry about her running off with your money. She’s very organized and serious about her craft and doesn’t play games. I’ve been scammed left and right and was starting to actually doubt the craft, but she made me believe in it again and she also inspired me to believe in myself. If you work with her, you have to stay patient and do your part too. I’ve already bought 3 services from her. Her road opener and reconciliation services are amazing!! I’ve already started to see results in ways I could have never imagined. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" 


"My Reading with Miss Melinda was absolutely amazing, she tuned in straight to the core of the issues and provided support, guidance and incredible insight. One of the things she told me manifested in exactly the time frame she said as well. As a Reader myself I cannot speak highly enough of Miss Melinda and her incredible gifts and work. Highly recommended!"


"Thank you very much Miss Melinda, your reading and insights gave me a feeling of light and openness. I truly appreciate the guidance you have provided. I really did feel the light and love from you today. I have faith that with you guiding me, I will be able to strengthen my spirit to see this through. Thank you so much Miss Melinda, I can’t tell you how much lighter I feel after we spoke."


"Hello miss Melinda. I just want to let you know that your metaphysical services are really blessing my life. I am seeing positive manifestations as you work on my behalf. Thanks for all you do. I will continue to utilize your spiritual services."


"In such a short amount of time miss Melinda has changed my life in so many ways... I've had her help me in so many areas in my life from legal, love, my family and my career. I've seen great movement in all. Everything she says is true and she keeps it all the way real with you. She doesn't just tell you what you want to hear to "sell you" and that makes me feel 100% safe with her work and I wouldn't trade her for the world. My worker for life!!!"


"I have been booked solid for two weeks at a top level PR Firm after the Mini Money Service you performed on my behalf." 


"Thank you Miss I have said before I truly see the signs of your work. I am overall managing my life and stress a whole lot better. I have such a positive outlook on life right now. Ben and I are in a very positive space right now. This week I was able to focus and finally submit my application to apply for my professional license in California. It's a rather long process so it has been difficult for me to focus and get it done over the past few years. However this week I submitted it and found a job that sounds promising. I am moving to a new condo next week after a year of trying to make this decision. WHEN I get the new job it will literally be across the street from my home! Thank you...I write this email with tears. You have been a blessing to my life. Please continue to keep me in your prayers and I will always do the same. If you have any further recommendations for me I am very open to your work and suggestions. Many blessings to you and your business...I'm so grateful the universe aligned me with you.


"After Miss Melinda performed this reconciliation work with heavy emphasis on communication for me, he returned in less than a month's time and initiated communication.  When this happened, I was literally in tears because I was in such awe at the wonders of Miss Melinda's work.  She's the real deal!  Miss Melinda is worth every penny and more.  There are no words, amount of money, or actions that I can take to thank her enough for her help, as my case was pretty hopeless (actually surprised she was even willing to dive into it).  I will continue to work with Miss Melinda and recommend her services to all.  Thank you so much Miss Melinda!"


"The deluxe fire of success working really worked within a week of my candle going out. I used this service for a job, and within a week, we received a job offer. Grateful, Grateful Grateful. I will definitely be using this service again".


"Miss Melinda has done several workings for which have turned out great. She's so detailed with her reports and accurate. I went from getting no job offers to having to choose between two! Right after the mini money service that I requested for luck with debt, I was able to get all of my bills up to date. And after a service that I requested for luck in concentrating with school and getting good grades I've been doing great. I have A's in all of my classes. Her readings provide much insight and excellent advice with no judging. I trust her and have become a subscribed patron to her monthly group services."  


"Miss Melinda is a very gifted psychic.  I highly recommend her reading service to anyone who is looking for answers and understanding of their situation and life journey.  She is truly in tune with spirit and explains everything clearly and with the most incredible insight.  Miss Melinda will tell you truth in the kindest and most supportive way, to help you move forward on your path. Her answers and advice make perfect sense and resonate at a very deep level.  Miss Melinda is one of the very few psychic and spiritual workers I trust and would come back to again."


"Thank you so much, Miss Melinda!  I was going through a period in my life love life in which I didn't know what to do...should I just give up or continue being patient.  I ran into your Facebook page on accident, just when I was about to call it quits with my relationship and I took as a sign. I’m so glad I reached out to you!  From the first communication until the end of the work, you were very professional and kind. I will be honest and admit that I was surprised when the weekend after you started the work, things suddenly turned around for my relationship. The person causing problems was blocked from out lives, my significant other started to actually tell me how he feels about me and even apologized for me having to deal with the unstable ex and thanked me for being so patient, etc…he’s always been sweet in his actions but he’s never been expressive with his words so it was shocking to me.  He had been avoiding taking the next step due to some fear issues and he just told me we “should move in together since we’re always at each other’s places anyway. We can save some money and spend more time together.”  I was about to walk away from a sweet, caring guy just because he some walls up and now we’re talking about living together!  I am not sure how or why I came across your page and why I was drawn to you but I am so glad. I don’t know how you do it but thank you. You are a blessing and will definitely be back. Thank you so very much!"


"I am so grateful to have found Miss Melinda. Talk about fast results, I recently had some love work done and not even three days later things are better than ever. This working has brought out things in him I've always wished for. I can feel the passion and hard work she put into my workings, the reports are sooooo detailed. She educates me on so many things concerning spiritual work and things I can do to help myself (which is all free), she answers all of my many emails I send her and calms me down when I need it... she doesn't just tell you what you want to hear to get your business she's the real deal!!! She's patience and kind and I will forever be a client. I can't thank you enough miss Melinda. Meeting you was no accident."


"So glad I found Miss Melinda!! I was at A very low point in my life due to negativity and jealousy from others around me. But Miss Melinda did two very important services for me.....Purification/Protection and Road Opener service. They both changed my life tremendously!! I feel so much lighter and am ready to move forward from the past hurts and heart break I was dealing with before meeting Miss Melinda. I even got a great paying job with benefits (which is the job I wanted). Mind you, I was interviewed at this same company several times and didn't get the position I was interviewed for but after the services Miss Melinda did for me, I got called in for a interview for a better position that I applied for and the pay was wayyy better then the other positions. I can't thank you enough Miss Melinda!! I really appreciate you!" 


"As many times as I've thanked you already it's not enough for what you have done for me. I was in a very dark place when I inquired about this service and the results were better than I could have imagined. I really loved how detailed the report was with the predicted outcome and how well documented it was. I really feel like you cared and put so much effort into it, it was 100% worth it. Things have improved so much in such little time and it feels so natural and right. Our relationship has improved so much since our reconciliation and I can confidently say it's even better now than it's ever been. You helped restore our love and I once again thank you for all you have done for me, it's very much appreciated. You've taught me so much as well. I highly recommend you to anyone interested, it's been a blessing to have come across your services and I look forward to future work!" 


"I ordered this (Mini Money Candle) service, and I swear, two days later after the service was completed, my bf said to me, out of NOWHERE, "Take my debit card and go shopping". He gave me 1,500 dollars to go shopping for myself. I couldn't believe it. Shortly after, I found 10 dollars in my car. This service was WELL WORTH it and I just ordered another one. I'm a believer!!!"

"Thanks for fitting in my Service with the new moon workings. I am glad to be a client as you are kind and I have had very positive outcomes from your work. I have began to feel spiritually alive again and making some good steps forward in my life."


"Just want to say you are a true blessing that has been a very important part of my spiritual healing and growth. Your passion and hard work is felt in your work. For nine years I have felt out of place and spiritually nasty and off and blocked. I am step by step finding my self in a spiritually alive and flowing place of peace and clarity."


"By the way, my car was fixed at no cost to me. Wow! I never had a mechanic not charge me for work. Thanks."


" First of all, thank you so much, Miss Melinda, for your care and sensitivity. Your reading was incredibly helpful. I am so grateful for that. You've given me so much insight into something that has literally consumed entire parts of my life. I look forward to working with you again soon. You are so kind and you're spot on!"


"Update regarding the Love Service. We met up last week, I could sense his care and concern was more unlike before. He kept comforting me in a gentle way. He showered me with lots of love. I am sweetly surprised. He even gave me an expensive gift.. that totally unexpected. I feel his love, care and concern towards me so strongly. He is very sweet to me. You have done a great job with your spell works. I am happy with the good changes I am seeing. Thank you Miss Melinda."


"So far the work you have done is wonderful. Its a nice feeling that I can see and feel things have improved unlike before seeking you. I remember how distressed I was. My health is getting better slowly. I feel stronger now. The Meditation helps."


"Hi Miss Melinda, all I can say is wow, wow, wow beautiful report as well as the pictures. I am so impressed with the work you have done for me. I am so glad I found you. He has texted me and is being more communicative with me and calm. Thank you, Thank you! I will be a loyal client to you and will be referring you to friends and family. Blessings"


"Thank you Miss Melinda for your work.You are efficient. She has reduced her verbal abuse and I am happy with the good changes that I am seeing. If only I knew you earlier. I feel comfortable working with you. I can share with you with comfort."


"I recently got the 36-card reading. I found it to be a great source of insight and inspiration, and I was pleasantly surprised at the length of it. It's nice to see a reader go into such great depth about your situation. She had a good sense of what my issues were, and I appreciate the help. Thanks, Miss Melinda!"


"Thank you so much! Your Reading was amazing. Very detailed! I loved it. You were very on point in regards to me.  This reading has given me a lot of hope in moving forward into the new year... and has given me key points on how to better improve myself.  Once again thank for all that you do! You put so much effort and detail into your work.  Such a blessing!!"


"I sought Miss Melinda s services recently (for a love situation). I did see some good changes in the situation and I am happy. She is efficient in her work and very professional, patiently replies to all my queries, and recommends what is best for my situation. I am at ease that I can trust her work. Thank you Miss Melinda for what you have done and will be doing. I look forward to working with you again."


"Your services are much appreciated, and trusted."


"I have no words to describe how thankful I am. Suddenly my heart feels lighter right after your Service. Thank you for your detailed email..the pics and your blessings for us. I am lost for words actually. Too emotional I guess. Thank you so much Miss Melinda."


"Thank you so much. Your (Love Conjure) work is always so beautiful.

I've been seeing him a lot more. He seems to be making more eye contact when he says hello. And his stare tends to linger a little bit more, even his smile. Tonight I caught him glancing over at me.. of course he shyly turned around when I caught him. Also he actually like one of my video's on Facebook and that has never ever happened before, so I was very surprised.
He also is a new client at my place of work, that was shocking. Lol. So there are little things that are happening. Very subtle.

Once again thank for everything you have done on my behalf. Your so kind and professional. You take the time to answer all my questions and I am so appreciative."


"Thank you for being so on top of everything! You really do go above and beyond for your clients. "


"Hi Miss Melinda, grateful news! I just picked up a full time job. I am soon blessed thanks to your kind help..I will ever be grateful to you always! Thank you."


"Thank you for the positive update and pictures on the work you are completing for myself. This is very much appreciated at this time.
Your efforts and hard work are evident and are appreciated."


"I always love the surprises spirits offer my way when I order these group services with my intention from you. lol! Its like getting a surprise package from my mailbox, but instead of something tactile, its an unseen energy that manifests/is felt in the unexpected time/place. Much gratitude to you for offering your Beautiful services."


"I know finding you was not an accident. It started out with one situation, but it's much bigger than that. I remembered that I was on a spiritual journey long ago but with distractions I let it go. You provide both motivation and guidance."


"Thank you again for your time and efforts on our behalf, the pictures you sent (as always) are wonderful and your service and detailed follow up always makes me glad I chose to participate in your group services. It gives me great confidence in proceeding toward our projected goals. I look forward to more group services in the future! I hope the Universe sends you many blessings for all the good you do for others."


"I want to say & give a big thank you to Miss Melinda. For those that haven't worked with her or used her services may I say that I highly recommend her without any hesitation. You'll find she's on point, responsible, discreet, loyal, dedicated, generous & loves her craft. I was blessed when our paths crossed."


"Thank you. Since your Working (for Commitment and Communication) she's been communicating and even called me which is something odd. She's bad with remembering dates but told me she knows my birthday is coming up in a week. She said my birthday is one of the few dates she recalls at all. There's been good progress. I appreciate this work."


"Since working (for Spiritual Evolution) with you a clarity is happening and I feel a strong positive change and supportive spirits working with me more closely."


"I highly recommend a reading by this very talented lady!"


"Ms. Melinda did this (Guadalupe) service for me.........soon after, lots of work came in, I felt lighter within AND I manifested the Jeep Liberty I had been manifesting for almost 2 happened within a week of this service."


"Hi, Miss Melinda, Just letting you know that I have been having many health blessings since (the Good Health Working) last week. My surgery was schedule to August, 29th, my pre-surgical exams are all ok, even my health has improved. My faith and vitality are increasing too. And I can feel the energy of your health ritual showering every step I take to achieve good health. Thank you very much. May the Good Spirits, Gods and Saints always bless you. With love and gratitude."


"Powerful, dedicated, serious, and sweet. I highly recommend the services of Miss Melinda."


"I recently entered in to Miss Melinda's competition to the win a deluxe (tarot) reading. I won *woot me* hehe and oh my lord the reading blew me away, lots of food for thought. I Highly recommend a reading by this very talented lady."


"Very helpful & honest in consultation! Ordered a peaceful home & things seem to be ironing out!"


"I met Melinda at a time when I was experiencing a lot problems with bullying and harassment at work. Needless to say I was at one of my lowest point. Through Melinda's very down to earth approach and empathetic dedication with the ongoing and very affordable group services performed on my behalf I gradually regained my inner strength, clarity and confidence. I also found my voice as well. In many ways I am now back to my old bubbly self who enjoys giggling. My relationship with my boyfriend had been improving as well since meeting Melinda. Melinda is always very professional and efficient in the manner she communicates the work done via her written reports and pictures. She is also very responsive to my messages and All in all I am very grateful our paths crossed. I don't think there are many spiritual workers with Melinda's sort of dedication and commitment.  No doubt I will continue to entrust her to perform the spiritual workings on my behalf. May the Spirits, Deities, Gods and Goddesses continue to bless the workings of your hands."


"I cannot thank you enough for this! i really can't...just reading your report about my work nearly had me crying because i felt the passion & care you put into my work & my goal & that in itself is incredibly rare & sacred....not only did you provide me a very detailed report (which is incredibly rare with spell-casters) but you attached beautiful pictures of my work & you included a reading of the potential outcome of it.

I'm so excited after reading all this that i know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that i will continue to work with you again & definitely recommend your services! Again, thank you so much for all you have done for me & for providing your care, passion & knowledge into my work & also for your outstanding customer have no idea how incredibly rare you are & I'm blessed to have come across you!"


"I very recently won a candle wax reading from Miss Melinda's Metaphysical Services, Spiritual Advisor and it was simply AMAZING ! She was spot on on every thing : dates, events, personal projects that no one could know about. I've never ever had such an accurate reading so if you need one, she is the one to go ! She is the real deal. "


" I have known Melinda for around 15 years. Not only is she a bright and loving individual, she is exceptionally gifted spiritually. She is a naturally gifted witch and highly intuitive person and practitionerer. She also has years of personal experience, personal studies and education on a variety of spiritual topics and paths. She gives of her time and expertise to those seeking to better themselves spiritually. Her sweet and calming spirit will set your mind at ease while giving you the confidence needed to take the next step with addressing life's complexities from a spiritual vantage point."


"I won a candle reading and it was really amazing. It was an accurate reading on the point and gave me helpful insights. She saw details she couldn't know and gave me good advice.

I would recommend her and her important work. She is absolutely trustworthyy and I'm sure I'll come back if I need her service.
Thanks for the candle reading and the perfect service!"


"Melinda is wonderfully insightful, and has personally helped me to identify different obstacles within my spiritual path and personal growth and has offered options to help clear those roadblocks. She is empathic and compassionate with a sincere desire to help others. "


"Thank you for follow up (after the Full Moon Service)!! I'm sure I'll be utilizing your services on every full moon and much more!!
I'll be a very loyal client to you for a long time I'm sure... xoxo


"I have been taking advantage of Miss Melinda's community services every month, because that is what I'm able to afford within my tight budget. (After submitting my petitions) I have had a few opportunities as an artist open up my way the last 2 months. Producers/event organizers think of me/have people recommend me to them for these opportunities. I am grateful that spirits whispered my name to the right people. Being asked to perform in some of the shows I've been part of & getting paid well for it is soul food for me & gives me hope. I look forward to the day I can work full time as an artist. Thank you sweet Miss Melinda for your services, for being a good communicator, for being honest to your customers. I am a loyal customer.


"Thanks miss Melinda, I think your (love) spell worked.He texted me today and said he was thinking of me.He texted me out of the blue.Thanks for all your hard work,I will be buying from u again in the future."
