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Our Lady of Guadalupe

The photo above was taken by me on a trip to New Orleans and is from the International Shrine of Saint Jude

Our Lady of Guadalupe is noted in Spain as far back as the 17th century. She is one of the three Black Madonnas in Spain. During early centuries of Christianity, the Cult of the Black Madonna was widespread. This sect packed in popularity during the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries, especially in France and Spain.

Our Lady of Regla

Special petitions may be made to her for issues of the family, fertility, childbirth, children, protection of children, health, money, unity, love, marriage, for prospective mates, harmony in the home, harmony in the family, & harmony in relationships. 

Our Lady of Regla is synchronized with Yemaya, particularly in the Santerian traditions of Cuba and she often appears as The Black Madonna.



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