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Joss Paper in History and Modern Use

Joss paper and Joss paper objects are used as a symbol of transformation, for fertility, and are payments of spiritual debts. The long-standing use of Joss paper is common in various Asian religious belief systems. Traditionally Joss paper was made from coarse bamboo paper, today it is often made from rice paper. It is typically cut into squares or rectangles. The decor on the paper; including stamps, symbols, embossing and more, often depends heavily upon the region in which the paper is made and can also indicate what the purpose the paper is intended for.

Chinese magickal paper has been created and used for hundreds of years. Although it is most commonly known for appeasing the dead, it has many uses and fulfilling wishes is not the least of these. Square sheets featuring gold foil at the center, such as the ones offered here, are especially beneficial for wishing. Simply write your wish upon the paper and then burn it with as much ceremony or ritual as you desire. Be sure that every last bit is burned to ash and carried to the Spirit World where your wishes will begin to manifest. For an extra kick annoint the paper with oil of sandalwood and/or burn sandalwood incense. When your ritual is complete bring the ashes outside to scatter in the wind. Better yet, do the whole ritual in an outdoor fire if possible. 

Uses and history of Joss paper in Asian cultures are as follows: 

In ancient China when an Emperor died his servants were killed and buried with him along with his personal belongings. This was intended to ensure that he had all he needed in the spirit realm. Eventually, the practice was deemed inhumane. In modern Taoist practice, a human effigy made from Joss paper is created to represent the servant for the deceased and the actual belongings have been replaced with paper replicas. It is said that the Joss paper belongings must be equivalent to what we use in modern times so that the underworld can experience progress too. ​ 

In Taoist practices Hell Money is never offered to higher ranking Spirits or Deities, they are reserved for ghosts and low-ranking Spirits. Instead, joss paper is used to indicate respect to Taoist Deities, Immortals and ancestors. Burning joss paper occurs at Chinese temples, crematoriums, gravesites and other places of Taoist worship. Joss paper accessories are often burnt during the “Ching Ming” or “grave-sweeping” festival celebrated on the 104th day after the winter solstice. It is also known as the Qingming Festival, All Souls Day, or Clear and Bright Festival.

There are main categories of Spirit Money which Joss paper can be broken down into gold, copper (often called "cash") and silver. Cash or copper Spirit Money is given to those newly-deceased and also Spirits of the unknown. Gold Spirit Money (jin) is given to the deceased and also higher Gods such as the Jade Emperor. Silver Spirit Money (yin) is given only to ancestors and spirits of local deities. These distinctions are carefully noted in order to prevent confusion or insult of the Spirits. Although Spirit Money is most often used to venerate one's own ancestors, it has also been known to be given as a gift from the groom's family to the bride's ancestors. ​ 

Joss paper, also known as ghost money, is made into papercrafts which are burned as offerings to venerate ancestors on holidays and special occasions, such as the Chinese New Year. Another important holiday is the Ghost Festival or Hungry Ghost Festival which occurs on the 15th day of the 7th moon in the lunar calendar. At this time ghosts, including those of the deceased ancestors, and spirits come out from the lower realm. The hungry ghosts wander to seek food on Earth. On Ghost Day, the deceased visit the living and the elder ancestors are honored. Rituals are performed to transmute and absolve the sufferings of the deceased. A satisfied ghost will not harm the living, but rather protect them, acting as a guardian angel. The burning of the joss paper and paper maché objects allows for the object to be transferred to the ancestors and ghosts, materializing in the afterlife and even increasing in value. All offerings are said to please the ghosts and to ward off bad luck and gain or enhance good luck.  

Joss paper along with paper maché items are also burned at funerals to ensure that the Spirit of the deceased has a good afterlife. In many religious practices around the world, family is viewed as a closely united group of living and dead relatives. Ancestor worship is a religious practice based on the belief that deceased family members have a continued existence, that the spirits of deceased ancestors will look after the family, take an interest in the affairs of the world, and possess the ability to influence the fortune of the living. Unity of the group is reinforced through ancestor veneration, offerings of various kinds help to keep the ancestors happy in the spiritual world, who, in return, will bless the family.

Many temples have large furnaces outside the main gate to burn joss paper. Folding the paper is an important part of the burning ceremony and distinguishes it from real money. Burning real money is seen as unlucky in Asian cultures. The Joss paper may be folded into specific shapes which are intended to bring good luck and it is often burned in lavish amounts to ensure favorable reception of the offering. 

Every fifteen days business owners in Taiwan burn Spirit Money in red braziers and set out offering tables on the sidewalk for both Gods and ghosts. A modern, simplified ritual in Chinese culture entails drawing a white circle with chalk on the sidewalk or pavement and burning the paper offering within the circle. This is a very common practice in most Chines cities and villages today. 

Sometimes the different paper burned depends upon the status of the Deity or Spirit who the offering is made to. There is paper with metal foil, ink seals, and a variety of other details and embellishments. In Taiwan or Macau, for example, Hell Money is never used - only "gold paper" (gold joss paper). The paper is folded in half or bought pre-folded in the shape of gold ingots before being burned in an earthenware pot or a specially made "chimney". The papers may also be folded or stacked into elaborate lotuses or pagodas. Joss burning is usually the last performed act in a Chinese ritual to venerate Deities or ancestors.  


Other uses for Joss paper include: 

writing special petitions for your rituals or prayers

making paper packets or traditional pockets for holding your herbs and magickal items

for writing spells 

for sigils and symbols or recording magic squares or formulas  

for writing letters to the deceased (to be burned) 


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