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How Do I Cast A Spell? Tips for Beginners

Hey Folks! I'm getting a lot of questions regarding "how to cast a spell?". The first thing I will tell you is that I'm not here to hold your hand. If you want to learn how to perform magick, then you're going to have to start by taking some initiative, doing some research, and taking some chances! Reading books are good, researching your history and correspondences are good... in fact, it's essential to have a firm foundation, but as long as you are continuously seeking information, all of that will come in time. What you really need is practice! So get to work. Experience is the best teacher and if you feel a calling to a magickal lifestyle then it is time for you to get started. Use your intuition, listen to your inner guidance and start where you are with what you have. Keep a balance between practicing and learning to maximize your growth and potential. 


That being said.... here are some tips for Performing Magick and getting your practice off the ground: 


Not sure what tools to use? Sounds like some research is in order. On the other hand, magick can be made without any tools at all. All you need is your mind, your energy and your willpower. Once you are able to sustain strong focus and direct your own energy (or Spiritual energy), you don't need anything at all but those things. If you feel you need tools it does not have to be complicated, one simple white candle will get pretty much anything done. Remember, it is not the candle that is doing the work, it is you. The candle is simply a focal point. Direct your energy and will into that candle. The directing of your energy into a tool is often called "charging" a tool. So learn how to direct your energy, it's important. 

Personal Philosophies

Before you get started you will want to have an idea about how you will go about this magick. Define what a spell is to you.  What is it that you believe makes magick work? This must be personal to you and your worldview. You can't work with Zeus just because you heard he was powerful. If you have no relationship or personal connection to Zeus then your magick will most likely fail. Some people do not work with Spirits or Deities at all. Instead, they rely solely on themselves and their own willpower to get the job done. Yes, there are atheist Witches. There are also Christian Witches. Others work strictly with a hierarchy of Deities. Yet others work with Ancestors, Spirits and Saints. These are things you're going to want to contemplate before you begin making magick. You don't have to have it perfect. Your beliefs and philosophies are going to grow and change over time as you grow and change. Growth is a big part of this path, so seek it out! No-one can give it to you. If you know that you want to work with some kind of higher power and you don't know where to start, then start with what is familiar to you. Keep it simple. If there aren't any Deities or otherwise that you are both familiar with and want to use for this practice, then you can always begin with your Ancestors. You can also begin by very generally addressing, "The Universe", the "Oneness", the "All", "Goddess", "God", or the Sun or the Moon....


If you decide that you want to practice a more formalized kind of magick, then you will want to plan out your magickal work in advance. Take the time to write down the steps of your spell. There are formulas for this, I won't give you one or recommend one because I believe you should be doing this yourself with your own intuition and what resonates with you. If you are truly lost about how a spell should work, then read some spell books to see examples and ideas or do a google search to find approaches which you are drawn to. While I don't recommend just using someone else's spell, there are plenty of books out there written exactly for that purpose. You can always do some experimenting this way. If you are going to pray, you may want to write this prayer in advance, but you don't have to. Whatever you do, make sure it is from the heart. If you plan to use several ingredients or tools, then you definitely want to include this list in your written instructions, then you can be prepared and gather your materials in advance. Another idea is to be spontaneous! Go outside, or into the woods, or sit in front of your Altar (if you have one) and say what comes to your mind and let your actions be guided by intuition or Spirit. Winging it is a great way to get practice and learn what works for you. You can do this anytime you are inspired, like when you're swimming, or painting, or walking the dog. Pick a dandelion and blow your wishes to the wind, say a prayer to a wise old tree and leave it an offering, meditate on the water as transformative energy ... do what comes naturally. 



Do you need an Altar? 

No. It's not necessary, but it is nice. Your altar can be a tree stump by a stream. It can be a corner of your kitchen table with a favorite candle and a stone. It can be your bedside table. It could be your garden or a windowsill. Don't get too worried about formalized Altars and all the rules and regulations that come with that. Right now you need to be focusing on your own development. The other stuff will come along naturally as you develop your practice. Having a focal point or a quiet space to contemplate, pray, meditate or concentrate is enough for now. Over time, as you put your intention into this space, it will become sacred. You can gather objects or tools for this space slowly, you don't have to have everything at once. If you plan to begin your magickal work by calling on your ancestors I do recommend setting aside a space for them specifically. A white cloth on the floor with a white candle on it is enough. You should also leave them water, black coffee, flowers or foods that they like. 

Your Space

If you are planning your magickal work in advance you will also want to plan where this will take place and you will want to have that space prepared. I recommend doing a very simple cleansing of that space. Burn some sage or Palo Santo there. Make everything neat and tidy. Gather all of your tools. Either imagine a protective energy around you and your space, or actually pray for protection - or both. This protection is both for yourself and the space, so make sure you have everything you need together before you do this. If you are outside somewhere or in a public place of sorts, you will want to have someone watching over. 

Your Self 

Ritual baths are a very helpful way to prepare for magical work. They are not absolutely necessary, but they can be very helpful. I recommend a simple solution with sea salt in your bathwater. You may also want to burn some sage in the bathroom with you. However, the most important part of preparing yourself is preparing your mind. This is one of the biggest reason that the bath is helpful, in addition to removing negative vibrations from yourself, you are also prompting yourself to transition into another stare of mind. As you continue to develop I definitely recommend a meditation practice, energy work or some kind of mental exercises for developing and fine-tuning your mind, your energy and your focus. As I have said, and will probably say a million times more, these are the most important tools that you have. 


Last, but not least! You must have confidence, you must know that your magick will work. You must trust your intuition and understand how it works for you. You must trust Spirit and your relationship to Spirit. Believe that your magick will work the way that you believe the sun will come up tomorrow. Don't give it a second thought! Second-guessing, worrying, nitpicking and obsessing will definitely have a negative effect on your magickal life just like those habits have a negative effect on your physical life. A positive attitude and some confidence in yourself go a long way! Don't be afraid to experiment, don't be afraid that you don't know enough... you've got to get in there and start getting your hands dirty or you won't get anywhere. Everyone has the ability to do this. All it takes is some determination and a willingness to learn and grow. If you are willing to put energy into yourself, your growth, development and learning, then you can do this. If you are willing to take some chances without fear of failure, then you can do this. If you are willing to surprise yourself with your own power and connection to the Universe, then you can do this! Have faith. You don't have to be an expert in order to get started in your magickal work and you don't have to have an expert tell you what to do. No one needs to hold your hand, this power comes from within you and your relationship to Spirit. That is what you must focus on developing, yourself and your Spiritual relationship. This is a journey of growth which only you can accomplish for yourself. Tap into your inner strength and your sense of adventure and get to work!


Lastly, there is nothing wrong with taking a class if you feel that would be a fun way to learn. Just be aware that you don't need a guru. A teacher can be a very useful resource, but just as with anything else, take what resonates with you and leave the rest behind. This is never about following one specific set of rules, this is always about your personal journey, your spiritual relationship and what works for you. 



~Many Blessings!~ 

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