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"Get Away" Working and Hot Foot Jar

I've had some requests to provide information about my personal "Get Away" Working. So here it is! I've had phenomenal results with this Service. 

This is to be used when someone is extremely disruptive or disrespectful to your home when you have a bad roommate who needs to leave when a family member or neighbor is meddling in your life. This is not to be used lightly. It is a form of defensive magick and should be used with care and respect in serious situations when your life is being affected negatively. 

This is a three-part Spell Working Involving a Hot Foot Jar, Candle Work, and an additional element. Please note: A Hot Foot Jar is somewhat of my own invention, rather than a traditional Working. 

Hot Foot Jar Ingredients

1. vinegar 

2. black salt (I craft my own recipe)

3. hot foot powder (again, I craft my own recipe)

4. one lemon

5. black pepper

6. 5 hot peppers

7. rusty nails, pins, tacks, quills or other sharp items

8. optional: photo


(Focus on your intentions clearly as you prepare these things, chanting or talking aloud is very helpful)

1. Cut a slit in the lemon, place a paper petition with the target's name (or their photo) inside the lemon. Sprinkle hot foot powder into the lemon over the photo or petitions and bind the lemon with cord. Alternately you can bind the paper petition. 

2. Add nails and any other sharp objects to the bottom of the jar, a small canning jar works well for this. 

3. Add your hot peppers, halved - and place the lemon on top of those.

4. Pour the black salt first and then the hot foot powder on top of the lemon.  

5. Pour vinegar over your ingredients and fill the jar. Be careful, the fumes will be intense and you don't want to breathe in too much of this! 

Next, take an onion (I like to use the large white onions) and carefully cut a chunk out of it. Place a name paper or a photo of the target inside this opening. Replace the piece you have cut out over the name paper or photo. Bind the onion with red cord - wrapping away from your body. 

Burn a black figure candle dedicated to the target on top of the souring jar (a pillar candle works too). Once again think about your intentions, focus on the target, meditate on your goal, chant, talk or pray out loud if you would like. 

Place the onion in front of the jar and candle for anywhere from a couple of hours to a full 24 hours. If you are getting someone out of your own home - roll the onion away from the door as you chant "getaway", "get out", etc. When you feel finished with this step hide the onion under the steps or somewhere that the target walks by or steps over every day. If this is a distance Working then you may roll the onion away from you at your work table while chanting or talking. Afterward, you can either hide it where they will cross paths, or you can dispose of it far away from your home. 

Burn the candle for a short while every day 15 -30 minutes is sufficient. Continue to focus on your goal as you do so. 

When the candle is complete you can leave the jar intact for a while, up to 30 days, but it is likely you will feel the urge to get it out of your house. Do not dismantle or empty the ingredients, but dispose of it far away from your home. 


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